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So Many Colors So Little Time - Picking Paint

So Many Colors So Little Time - Picking Paint

The upstairs bathroom of our house is in desperate need of a renovation. Since we have grand plans for that renovation and it will have to hold off for a little while, we decided that at least painting and changing out some ugly wooden towel racks would be a good temporary fix.

The trouble is picking out a color. We've done this in other rooms, but this is certainly the longest standing paint test we've had so far.

Maybe that's a new trend - The Paint Swatch Room. Look Keri, we're trend setters. Either that, or we just have a bunch of random colors of paint on the wall. I'll stick with trend setters.

On a positive note, I think we decided on the paint we're gonna use. It's the yellow one in the top middle (the cluster of three swatches together.) For one, we already have the paint since it was leftover from the sun room, so it's free. For two, it looks nice and brightens up the room.

As for those wooden towel racks... We haven't found a replacement yet... though we haven't really been pounding the pavement looking. We just picked the paint color, so I'll call that progress and give us some slack on the rest of the bathroom.

Have you used paint swatches to pick out a color in a room and ended up leaving them there for months? Do you like the color we picked?

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