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Grass Seed - Crab Grass and Bare Spots

Grass Seed - Crab Grass and Bare Spots

We have a not so perfect crab grass lawn, and eventually I will get ahead of the crab grass, it just hasn't happened yet.

working with lawns is a great service to add to your handyman business.

If you have crab grass and other broad leaf grasses in your lawn that you want to get rid of, there isn't much you can do about it this time of year (Summer) other than to pull them out and try to get the root with it (it's essentially seed that fell last year that is sprouting now though).

Otherwise, the best option is to spread halts, which is a crabgrass preventer. You're supposed to spread it on the lawn in the early spring before any crabgrass starts to grow because it basically encapsulates the seeds so they can't sprout.

That was my downfall this year. I waited too long and the grass started to grow, along with the crab grass. I will let you know if I ever get on top of things and actually improve our lawn.

On another note with grass... We've clearly done a bunch of outdoor projects this year; the fence, the patio... So it goes without saying that we have bare spots in the lawn now. If you have smaller areas that you want to re-seed I recommend using the Scotts Turf Builder EZ seed, which you can get pretty much anywhere. I used it last year when we dug drainage into the yard for the gutters and it worked great. It's pretty fool proof too. Add water and the seed combo turns dark brown, when it starts to lighten up it needs more water again.

We just the Scotts seed again this past weekend to reseed around the fence posts and the dirt areas around where the patio was installed. It hasn't started to come up yet, so I will try to add some before and after pictures when it's a little more exciting. Nothing as exciting as watching grass grow, right?

So that's my recommendation for filling in bare spots in your lawn, and my complaints about crab grass. Do you have a crabgrass lawn that you've been trying to get rid of?

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